Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm not sure how you think I'm arguing with you. I'll paraphrase it.

Didn't mean to offend. It just seems to me that you are arguing with me, because you keep giving reasons why the things I'm saying aren't true right now, when my arguments against Blu-Ray are all for things that are three or more years down the road.

I was saying that those would be the reasons why somebody would still want a disc. I wasn't disagreeing with you about how digital downloads will be a big thing for content delivery. People will still want discs for various reasons.

Originally Posted By: dignan
Well, you did say that someone might want to "futureproof" themselves by getting a Blu-Ray player before an HDTV. That's what I was responding to.

I should have put the :P smiley next to that since I was being sarcastic.