If you want, you could mail the card to me here,
and I'll recover anything that can be recovered from it.
That would be much appreciated. I'll PM you for your address, if I have no luck in the next few days.
And.. I'll even post the juiciest photos onto a public webserver for you.
Well, I'd hate to disappoint you, but there isn't anything juicy on the card. Some photos of relatives in Blackpool and Stafford, who I'd never met before -- that's about it. (I figure it's bad juju for taking a trip to England that didn't coincide with the empeg meet.

But that does remind me of the time I played badminton with a friend of mine from work, who'd recently gone on a vacation to China with his girlfriend. He brought his camera to take pictures of us playing, and while waiting for my turn to play (we had an odd number of players), I flipped through the vacation photos on the camera. After I was done, I just looked up at him, and yelled "woah, are these supposed to be on here, still?" Man... his face turned beet red. He rushed over, grabbed the camera away, and frantically started going through the pictures, to no avail. Meanwhile, his girlfriend just stood there, rolling her eyes -- she'd gone through and cleaned out the incriminating photos long beforehand.
I think he's still pissed at me.