Originally Posted By: robricc
I know people still bitch about lock ups, but I never see that on any of my 3 boxes. I have a strong signal, so maybe that's it.

Got the unit this morning. HR22. Purty nice, 500gb I'm told. Schweet. Locked up once already. Gr. Had to yank plug to get it working again. But hasn't locked since.

Got a few questions, uncle google isn't helping, anyone know the answer to these questions?:

- When programming the unit to tape an entire series (what we used to call the "Season Pass" feature on the Tivos), it appears as though it only ever gets the series for *that* channel. What about shows that are played on multiple different networks? On the Tivo, by default, if I just told it to get a bunch of episodes of MASH, it would grab those episodes from whatever channels on which it was available (TVLand, Hallmark, whatever). Can I make the HR22 do this same thing without having to program a separate season pass for each channel?

- The remote control appears to do a lot of interesting things with "codes". For instance, there is a code to do volume-punch-through, much like I could do on the OneForAll-compatible remotes, thus allowing the volume buttons to always control my stereo's volume. Is there a location on the internet that lists what all these codes are (for this rc64r remote that came with the receiver)?

- The remote has a discrete off and a discrete on button, which will power down my TV+HR22, or power up my TV+HR22. I'd like a third device to power down and up along with the TV+HR22. I'd like my recevier to go down and up too. Does anyone know if I can program the remote to do this?

Anyone know about these?

I also want to say that I imagine the Tivo software will be ported to the HR2x machines.

This would be very nice. I much prefer the Tivo software. My first question above represents a situation where the Tivo is, by default anyway, superior.
Tony Fabris