Originally Posted By: gbeer
AKA Wishlist, When a Wishlist is recorded it shows up in the Season Passes with a different icon. A Captain America like blue shield with a white star.

Right. On a *tivo*, that's the feature name and that's how it works. I'm talking about the DirecTV (non-tivo) DVR here. Does it also have the same feature name and the same icon on the DirecTV unit?

Otherwise, just picking a show from the guide, choosing record, then following the season pass option, gets only the showings on that channel.

On my Tivo, I would get showings on every channel, not just one of them. That's what I was saying earlier in this thread.

Perhaps the difference was that I was doing a Search By Title to find shows for my season passes, instead of picking the show from the Guide screen. I could imagine it working that way.

But in any case, I'm certain that, on the *tivo*, I did not need to do a Wish List to get a given TV show on all its channels. I only needed a single Season Pass, and it would get all instances of that show no matter which channel.

My problem is that I can't find similar functionality on the *DirecTV* DVR device, and that's what I'm looking for.

I haven't tried the previously-suggested keyword search feature of the DirecTV DVR yet, perhaps I'll try that tonight when I'm back home. It sounds like doing so might have the same drawbacks as the "Wish List" feature of the Tivo.
Tony Fabris