Originally Posted By: tfabris
So the iPod had a hardware problem, and simultaneously running Emplode was just a red herring?

I don't know. It seems unlikely that iTunes vs Emplode was responsible, yet it is also unlikely that both problems would occur at exactly the same time.

Here's the chronology as best I can remember. Emplode was synchronizing, writing the second of a trio of large (60+ mins. each) files to the empeg (the first had completed) when I started iTunes and then plugged the iPod into the computer. That was as far as Emplode ever got, and iTunes refused to recognize the player even though the red "Do Not Disconnect" warning was lit up on the iPod, and both iTunes and the iPod had synced without problem just minutes before.

Things went downhill from there. Is it possible that some sort of improper signal went to the heads of the iPod's hard drive forcing them to an incorrect position that jammed them? I don't know what other problem could be solved by banging the iPod sharply against the edge of a table.

If it's all right with you, I'd just as soon not repeat this experiment. smile

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"