The script from the MP forums was the initial script which didn't deal with the issues that came up over time which you have described. The issues you describe have been addressed as they appeared in the feeds. You'll find over time that Apple seems to make what appear to be totally random and inconsistent changes. The latest issue was that the 720p feed appears to be stale for the past week or so. I've worked around this recent by attempting to guess the HD file names based on the SD feed which is working on all but one item in the current feeds.

Please post your source as it would be nice to incorporate any improvements into my usage.

Here's the source for the current version:

I was recently pointed to this website which appears to be promising for a feed source:
The feed they have available seems a bit chaotic and will be more trouble to parse.

If the feed was a bit better this would a better source as they list Apple and Yahoo trailers.
