I personally think that Palm will get a decent number of customers;
I can agree with you here, but I don't believe a significant portion of those customers will be defecting from an iPhone. And I don't believe "decent" will be 10 million in 12 months either (the "iPhone number").

I think my biggest problem however is the grandstanding. It's really quite pathetic. They're riding on Apple's coat tails (again) while trash talking the company and platform that will be at least partially responsible for any margin of success they gain. For all of Steve Job's grandiose proclamations, there's always some element of humbleness (I'm not a bit SJ fan), especially if they're ever alluding to sales that have yet to happen. Apple definitely know how to work the media when it comes to competition, something Palm, and its largest investor, would do well to learn.
Remembering how Palm got to the low point it's trying to climb out from would be a good place to start.