A bike that definatly wins the smallest vehicle to have an empeg installed
Actually, I am aiming to be the uncontested champion of the "Strangest Places for an empeg" thread (see
here ).
In the summertime I commute 10 miles each way to work on my
bicycle (see attached photo), and I miss having my empeg with me on the commute.
The empeg will install on a platform mounted to the crossbar at the top of the handlebar arch. I have some oddly-shaped foam rubber that will provide very progressive shock absorption, and the empeg is completely shielded from the weather by the windshield which extends further backwards than is apparent from the angle shown in the picture.
Maybe we should add a feature request for a headphone socket, since it is "not recommended" to plug headphones directly into the audio outs :-)
The empeg
WILL power a good set of the small walkman-style inside-the-ear headphones directly from the lineouts. With the headphones I use (made by Optimus, $25 or so from Radio Shack) the perceived volume at a given level setting is almost exactly the same as in my car. So 0dB is as loud as I care to listen in either case. Cheaper walkman-style headphones don't do as well, and "regular" headphones require too much power to work this way at all.
I listen to my empeg all day long at work through my headphones.
But... to repeat the question: who knows what the average power consumption is? Who knows whether my hard drive will be happy in this somewhat un-gentle environment?
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Edited by tanstaafl. on 05/06/01 11:44 PM.