I'm super-sleepy right now and I know I'll totally corrupt my CSS file if I continue playing. Already fixed one small issue with the design credit and did some Google-Fu to try and find a solution to hiding the overflow of the decorative elements like the top band in my design.

Found this: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4288536&postcount=39

Have to look at it in detail, but at least the proposal for the problem sounded promising and relevant. A fixed-width centered content section with two blocks of ads on either side. The ads should be able to be hidden by browser width resizing without triggering a horizontal scroll bar. The scroll bar should be displayed when you resize smaller than the content width.

I also found another solution where some joker recommended putting ovrflow-x:hidden on the body element. Um, yeah... Then there's never any horizontal scroll bar regardless of window size. Like taking out a tooth by hitting someone in the jaw with a baseball bat.

Edited by hybrid8 (21/10/2009 02:30)
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