The second method is to create the background image with the words "Ontario's Enviroment..." inserted into the image and then use CSS background rules to hide the text.
I use this a lot for things like buttons, but in this case I wanted the text to be selectable for everyone, so I went with the meadow as a container and the h2 styled to position the text within it. It was also an opportunity/exercise to see if I could create an outline around the text. Got it to work in WebKit and IE and I know how to do it for Mozilla as well.
The help is much appreciated and I have picked up some valuable tips and ideas that I plan to implement after I've delivered the site to my friend. Mostly for my own satisfaction and to better re-use the markup and styles.
However, your changes still suffer from a few issues, the main one being what I was originally trying to solve, which is to prevent the topband from being cut off to the width of the viewport when you need to shrink the viewport and scroll the page to the side. In my solution to this, it causes Firefox and IE8 to increase their rendered page widths such that you always see a horizontal scroll bar.
By the same token, a similar use is to be able to position decorative items off to the side of your page and not have them trigger scroll bars. Playing with left position and margins can accomplish this as well in Webkit, but again it doesn't do what it should in FireFox.
If you remove the topband so that only the content defines the page width on my original implementation, you can trigger an example of this by hovering over the design credit at the bottom with a narrow window. In Safari and Chrom, the crddit will expand off to the right under the browser window. In Firefox it causes a horizontal scroll bar to appear.
I noticed that your style definitions also broke the page's bottom edge, but I haven't looked closely enough to find out why yet. If you're up for it I'd love it if you'd look at one of the other pages, that don't have the meadow content at the top, and let me know what you think is causing them not to render properly in IE6.
Oh, the changes to the nav sections break horribly in IE6. Unfortunately that browser is a high priority given the target audience for this company's services.