I'm trying to set up rsync to be able to have my ReadyNAS pull and push backups.

On my Mac, this meant starting up rsync as a daemon and editing a configuration file. That much is done but I'm still having issues with the ReadyNAS for which I've posted to their forum.

However, I'm trying to local tests with my Mac and I'm not having any success here either.

I can easily rsync out to my dreamhost web server from the command line, however using the same arguments I am always refused the connection to my local machine when prompted for password.

Example: rsync -avz /Volumes/Play/test [email protected]:~/testrs/

The IP address is the machine I'm using the terminal session on, the same machine running the rsync daemon. userid is my userid of course. I get prompted for password but it won't accept it. It exits out after 3 attempts.

Anyone know what's going on?

The issue I'm having with the ReadyNAS is that it can connect to my Mac, but only if I set the path as "/" - anything else in its Frontview UI and it only gives an "invalid path" error. With that same UI I can't connect to my dreamhost web server at all.

Fixed the connection to Mac issue on the ReadyNAS. Needed to specify the name of the "module" set up in my rsyncd.conf at the beginning of the path in the ReadyNAS UI.

The other ReadyNAS issue is that it doesn't support rsync over SSH. They disabled that feature to distinguish my POS version from the "Business" version. Both products are the "ReadyNAS Pro" - I still don't know why this feature would be missing from a professional product. They should really have just named it ReadyNAS NVX6 or ReadyNAS POS or something equally lame. Looks like I might not ever be able to make the NAS connect to Dreamhost since I think it requires SSH.

Edited by hybrid8 (10/12/2009 22:29)
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