I really do need to go to a different host. But in this instance all my pains have been due to Netgear. smile

Dreamhost pains were email being up and down for the better part of 3 days a couple of months ago. My site being down for an entire weekend due to an unannounced server move, also a couple of months ago. Recently having the site down for the whole afternoon which just repeated itself again this past week.

The problem is that I haven't found another host where I can be at least somewhat certain to receive much better service, even at up to twice the price. Media Temple sounded nice, but then I saw so many bad reviews that it scared me off.

I don't think I can seriously think about moving at least until February at the earliest. Just too busy around here with other things right now. It would be a little work to make sure the environment is set up to work properly with the various PHP pages on my site, including the cart and license generation code.

Mark... Right, I don't know why it didn't click that period was the current path. Duh. I feel like a total shell newb now. smile Can you tell I've only been using a unix-like command-line shell for just over 20 years?
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