Have you checked out this FAQ entry on the subject?

I have a bit of information that might be relevant as far as the FAQ goes...

This weekend I finished my empeg installation on my bicycle (yes, really!) and it works just fine---except that the display is virtually invisible on a sunny day, whether the sun is shining on the display or not.

In my car, it is readable even when the sun shines through the rear window directly onto the display.

The difference? On my bicycle, the empeg is powered by means of a small 12-volt battery hooked to the "Home" power input on the back of the empeg -- so the empeg "thinks" it is at home, not in the car (or bicycle). And of course in the "Home" mode, there is no brightness setting. Is the display in "Home" mode significantly dimmer than the range of settings available in the "In-Car" mode?

Is it possible that the people who have problems reading their display "In-Car" on bright days have displays that are functioning in "Home" mode? I can tell you that my empeg is completely unreadable outdoors on a bright day when operating in "Home" mode, but is extremely readable in the same environment when in the "In-Car" mode.

Just a thought...


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"