Ok, let's go back to my readability problem with my blue fascia. Finally a got a RED fascia to test on my empeg, and this is what I noticed.
The red fascia is MORE TRANSPARENT than the blue I had. Simply put, I can SEE the diplay itslef, it's frame, the components around it, the led on the top right of teh empeg, etc. I don't mean I can see when they are lit (that's obvious), I mean I can see also the plastic components and all the rest. Now, this NEVER happened with my blue fascia. With this RED one (AR), I definitely experience the same readability levels as many others here: unless the sun is DIRECTLY on the display, I can ALWAYS read it. In the worst cases I can only see the brightest of the 4 available "colors" of the display, but I can still read with no problem! Which is definitely great, of course. On the other side, I have to say that the emepg looks better with the blue fascia, when you can NEVER see what's inside it. But I prefer to be able to read, no doubt.

Now, what I have with the RED fascia, somebody else had with the BLUE, which is considered by many as THE MOST readable among all. This is absolutely false in my case! So, what I suppose is that it is NOT the color, but the "transparency" level that makes the difference! Maybe different fascias are produced with different level of transparency, and that's the whole point! If my empeg had been readable as it is now with the red fascia, I would have never started this thread! :)
So, I hope this helps to understand why some people like me found the empeg not readable in the sunlight.
Finally, I am waiting for my AR fascia that I requested from empeg in the hope to solve the readability problem. I'll let you know whether it is as transparent as the red I have now on my empeg, or as the blue that I have just removed.
Also, emepg guys, could you post a comment on this? I hope this helped you too to find out why some empegs are considered not easily readable in the sun.
Let me know, and of course thanks to everybody for your help.

= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg