Ok. A brief update concerning this problem:

I just realized there are both AR and non-AR screens. First of all thanks to all among you who told me this. I am new in this forum, so please forgive me for not knowing previously discussed issues.
So, guess what, I found out my screen is non-AR, so I just contacted [email protected] to order a new blue AR screen for my Mack II. As a matter of fact, what I noticed is that, although not extremely bright, the screen would still be readable during the day if not because of the reflections. So here is the first question:
1) Is there anybody in here who replaced his/her "plain" screen with a AR screen, and actually saw real improvements in the readability? I would assume so...

Second, I read the FAQ regarding this issue. Again, thank you to those who poiinted that out, I did not think about it. I made the "dim" test, as suggested, to find out whether my screen is broken or nor. Well, during a quite bright day I set the screen dim to 0 and could still read it by going very close to it. I assume this means that at night I should be able to read it without significant problems. I'll test it. However, without going very close to the screen, I would just seen few dfots here and there.
2) Does anybody confirm this is normal?

Also, I got my empeg in amber, with a blue screen as a "gift". This is because I had ordered a blue one, but they were all sold out, so empeg guys, very nice as usual, decided to give me this special treat :)
3) Is it possible that when I replaced the amber screen with this non-AR blue I made some mistake and now it is not working properly and not giving me the full, optimum brightness?

Also, in the faq it is said that " the VFD should be so bright that it hurts your eyes if you've got it at full brightness during the night. (...)" .
That is not really my case. I ALWAYS have it at full brighthness, during the night, and it is just as bright as the rest of my car intrumentation. Maybe somewhat dimmer. I have a Polo III with the new VW blue instrumentation light set at maximum, so some of you who have the same car can give me an answer. So
4) Is my screen broken?

Thank you all in advacnce. You're just great. This BBS is precious, it reminds me of the good old times when I was a Fidonet SysOp! :)

If it can help, my empeg SN is 090000923

empeg mack II blue 12Gb
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg