Dude, way to break the naming convention of these TV threads

Just joking :p
Burn Notice -- new season starting soon. I kinda like this one, but I'm not really sure why.
Um...because it's super awesome? Burn Notice is probably in my top 5 shows on TV.
Dollhouse: I disagree with you. Dollhouse has been fantastic since around episode 7. The first six eps were garbage, nearly everything afterwards has been brilliant.
Chuck: I agree, I find it interesting how they're limiting his abilities. I'm sure, though, that they'll make the key to unlocking them be something like Chuck's innate goodness or something like that. It's getting a little ridiculous, however, to see how long they can stretch the will they won't they thing, though.
Heroes: ready for something hilarious? It seems like everyone who once loved this show and defended it to me is now joining me in thinking it sucks. The funny part? I think this is the strongest season by far. It still has a ton of the same issues it always had, but at least this season there's some freaking continuity to the story. But thing has remained the same: I still don't find Hayden Panettiere attractive.
As for the other stuff I watch, wow, just too much to name. But I'm happy the season has started up again. The only reason I don't like it is that over the winter my wife was suddenly interested in watching all of Buffy and Angel, and now there are fewer viewing hours in the week to do that

We're up to season 5 of Buffy and season 2 of Angel, though, so she's hooked enough to keep going.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Off the top of my head, I will be watching the following shows airing this season:
Big Bang Theory
Two and a Half Men (my wife watches it, and I find it pretty funny)
Parks and Recreation
The Office
30 Rock
Supernatural (last season of one of my top 2 currently airing shows)
Lost (last season of the other of my top 2

Burn Notice
Ghost Whisperer (the first 3 seasons, I'm shocked to admit, were really good - the last two have been awful)
That's all I can remember at the moment. Have I mentioned I watch a lot of TV? And that's just the shows on this winter/spring. And it doesn't include shows like:
This Old House
Dream House
Pardon the Interruption
Various episodes of cooking shows
Various other stuff like football games and live events like the Oscars.
The above is why I don't think ditching FIOS TV and going with iTunes for TV would work for someone like me