Well, if they're doing that epic battle at the north pole, I'd imagine that will be the climax of the film. I'm pretty sure the hope is for a trilogy, but of course there's no guarantee of it so they're just seeing how well the first movie does. After all, you can see how well those sequels to the Golden Compass did

Well, I guess we disagree on the filler. It's true that there are plenty of episodes that are inessential to the main story, but I can't really think of any bad ones. IMO, there isn't a bad episode in the three seasons. That's what I would call filler. I just meant that I cherish every minute I could spend with those characters.
And yeah, Toph is a bad-ass. Another example of why I love the show so much. When they introduced her, I expected her to be pretty annoying, basically a Poochie, but she turned out to be my favorite character.
I suppose the only reason I think it's hard to cast Iroh is because Mako was just so brilliant in that role. I get a little teary-eyed when I watch "Iroh's Story." Sure, they could cast someone who
looked more like him, but that has nothing to do with whether they'll be good in the role. Maybe this guy will have the chops to pull off the part. It's pretty complex emotionally though.
Dude! I just looked up Dante Basco, because I couldn't picture what he looked like (I know his voice, of course), and I can't imagine why the didn't cast him! Sure, he doesn't look much like Zuko, but that doesn't matter! RU! FI! -- OOOOOHHHHH!