I'm waaaaay behind on a lot of stuff, but I've mostly been keeping up with the sitcoms.

So, on that front, I'd say that you should definitely be watching 30 Rock, Community, and Better Off Ted.

I think we're probably all familiar with 30 Rock, so I won't say anything about it beyond the fact that its quality has not fallen off.

Better Off Ted is basically yet another Dilbert/Office Space type thing, but it's really well done and quite funny. It centers on the life of Ted, a project manager at "Veridian Dynamics", a multinational conglomerate that goes from making consumer products to fulfilling defense contracts. The other main characters are two dweebish scientists, a naīve QA person, and a company-obsessed senior manager. It also frequently features fake ads for Veridian Dynamics, that "unintentionally" demonstrate how they treat people like consumable resources. ABC is currently running two episodes every Friday, so smart money is on them canceling it pretty soon.

Community is about a lawyer who has returned to community college after he was disbarred when his law degree from Columbia University was discovered to be a degree from a Colombia university. The rest of the cast is his Spanish class study group, featuring an Asperger-ish savant, an incompetent yet successful entrepreneur of retiree age, a former high-school football star, a middle-aged recent divorcee, a high-school overachiever who failed to graduate with her class after she became addicted to Ritalin, and a (less well defined) stereotypically liberal feminist young woman, plus their megalomaniacal Spanish teacher, Seņor Chang, who happens to be Chinese, and the dean of the college, who is delusional about the quality of his school.

On the surface, it sounds like a generic ensemble comedy, but there's a lot of fairly subtle breaking-the-fourth-wall humor, which I tend to enjoy, and they actually are spending a good amount of time exploring all of the characters in the study group. It's a really good show. It won't make a dime.
Bitt Faulk