Lol! I wish it were as nefarious as you guys are surmising. Sadly I can attribute, at the very least, 5% of my entire life to the dealing with - and thinking up solutions for - our cats deciding to go to the bathroom anywhere BUT their litter boxes.

A while back, one of our cats decided that instead of the litter box, she'd just crap on the floor downstairs. So on the advice of, well, everyone, we added a second box downstairs. The problem is our downstairs is nothing but a kitchen and a living room. Rather than have a tray full of crap for all our guests to enjoy, I bought a large cabinet from IKEA (why do I feel I have to all-caps that name?) and created a hidden litter box.

But does that stop my adorable cats from driving me nuts? Is it enough that I shovel their waste twice a day? No, they decide that when they go in the hidden litter box, they need to piss over the side of the plastic bin I have the litter in. This is worse than the crap, as it gets into the MDF the cabinet is made of and pretty much will always smell.

What I was hoping to do was to get a plastic bin that would fill the entire cavity that the box is in. I'd then cut out the side where the entrance is, and there'd no longer be a way to piss over the edge.

I went to the Container Store today, and they had nothing even remotely close to the size I need. I don't think they even had a single container of any kind anywhere near the depth I was looking for. The tallest container I could find that wasn't a trash can was about 16" deep.

So as a temporary solution, I bought a large plastic shelf liner, trimmed it down with some scissors, and stuck it on the side of the box they pee over, and voilą, a splash-guard. It's good enough for now, though I'd still like to find what I'm looking for.

My secondary search is for some good food storage containers. I'd like to find tall square ones (this shape, basically) that I could use in the shelves in our fridge door. But that's not important.

Edited by Dignan (22/01/2010 22:35)