Okay, Bruno, I think I need clarification. First off, when you say "it had been only 3 days since the last time the litter had been taken care of," do you mean that it had been three days since anyone had even scooped the litter? So nobody did anything at all with the litter box in three days? And we're talking about two cats?

I have two cats and two litter boxes. If I didn't clean either of them out for three days, I would have crap and piss all over our floors. Some days I clean one of the boxes out twice.

As for the rest of your post, you are supposed to change the litter out completely every so often. You're supposed to do it every couple weeks, I think, though I do it every 3-4, and I do just what you describe, I just cover it with a trash bag and dump the whole thing in. Then I fill it back up and you're good to go.

So if you're really saying that you let it go for 3 days, I think that's the primary problem with the smell. If the cats cover their mess up, there shouldn't be too horrible a smell when you go to clean it out. There are also enclosed litter boxes with carbon filters that can help. I have a "smellkiller" product I got from Amazon in my hidden box that I think helps a tiny bit.

On a side note, I'm not sure how cleaning out a litter box is any worse than picking up after a dog.

Edited by Dignan (31/01/2010 13:35)