Yeah, I think there's a few issues there Bruno. Like I said, they really should be sifting the box more than every 3 days. That's crazy. Their cats should be commended for putting up with that. I'm amazed they're still covering their business with that much stuff in the box.

Think of it this way, if a dog had to crap outside, but only had a 2' square area to do it in, I'd bet it would still smell pretty bad when you went out to pick it up.

And most people I've seen pick up dog crap on walks and with plastic baggies. I tend to think that handling wet dog crap, even through a bag, is a lot worse than scooping dried crap out of the litter box. I suppose it does depend on how you allow your dog to do its business, but living in an apartment, I wouldn't have a place for a dog to go out in. And if I had a yard, I wouldn't let my cats out. I think I'm only going to have indoor cats, after hearing the statistic that on average, indoor cats live 13-15 years, and outdoor cats live 3-4. My old cat was an outdoor cat until she had a fight which left one of her eyes cut open and she was on the brink of death. That was when she was about 9. Then she was an indoor cat until she died at 22.