That's a beautiful cat shitter.

Is there something that removes or reduces the gag-factor when cleaning these things out? I have to take care of a neighbor's cat every now and then and less infrequently I have to do something about the litter. The last time I just put a giant garbage bag over the whole box and dumped everything in, then just filled it back up with fresh litter. I wasn't going to risk vomiting while scooping up turds and piss-clods one at a time. wink

It's only very infrequently that I need to do anything about the litter since usually it's only when they're gone for a day or two where I need to do anything with the pair of cats - food and twice daily insulin shots for one of them.

But the time before that last time I thought I was going to die - it had been only 3 days since the last time the litter had been taken care of.

Edited by hybrid8 (31/01/2010 13:17)
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