Revo Uninstaller is another invaluable tool in my belt. I love it, though it should be used cautiously, as it can very occasionally remove too much. But for something like Nero I would definitely use it.
I think tentacle-ware sounds good to me

Though I think most bloatware tends to have its tentacles dug deep already, so it pretty much covers it. For things like Norton and McAfee I have to carry around updated uninistallers made by those companies specifically for their own applications. Norton's is especially annoying, and seems to need updating every month.
From what I can tell, both standards are still widespread and neither of them seem to be going away any time soon. Both are officially endorsed by the DVD organisation as well.
I just looked at Newegg and I suppose you're correct. There's slightly more DVD-R, but not by much. I still think DVD-R is the more popular one overall, though, and the most compatible, but you said that to begin I guess we're in agreement!

I could be mistaken, but I think the first home theater DVD-recorders only burned DVD-R, while the first DVD players only could read DVD+R. I know my Pioneer DV717 couldn't read DVD-R.
It really was all over the place. I had a couple DVD players that couldn't read + and a couple that couldn't read -.
Early Pioneer players especially, in my experience, had trouble playing burned media. My mother has one still, and I've given up being able to play anything on it.