Originally Posted By: drakino
I've been to a few out in California as well, and they all are similar, just varied in size a little bit.

Part of the fun of visiting different Fry's stores is to see all the different themes.
Palo Alto - Old West
Fremont - Electricity History (and Grand Ballroom, to some extent)
San Jose - Aztec

It's not uncommon for traveling geeks to visit Fry's stores as part of their tourist agenda.

I'm so spoiled. I remember going to the very first Fry's Electronics store (the Fry family ran grocery stores before that). There were gigantic models of components built onto the walls and ceiling- it was like being inside a computer.

Wikipedia has a good quick blurb about Fry's.
Fry's History page also good.
While the stores are impressive, not everyone is happy camper. Witness this testament/rant. (I only read a little ways down, but it seemed to ring true to me)
I'm wary when shopping at Fry's these days. I only buy items I have researched and I always walk right past the bag-checker at the door.

I've mis-remembered the original Fry's store- mistaking it for the subsequent replacement nearby.

Edited by Robotic (27/04/2010 17:10)
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