Originally Posted By: hybrid8
BTW, when hiring a developer, the most important thing to see is other work they've done. A resume or talk about what they've done, in the end, doesn't mean shit. Neither does where they went to school. Or if they went to school.

Your hiring practices, then, would miss a lot of good people. I can't show you any of the work I've done in the last decade, because it's proprietary, under NDA, and not distributed outside the company it was written for. Furthermore, I don't keep copies of it -- not only would that be a breach of my NDA, it would be completely unethical. All that I can do is show you my resume, and talk about what I did in general terms -- perhaps providing more specifics about the architecture of some sub-components. I'm hardly the only developer with such a background.

And, FWIW, just because I show you "other work I've done", doesn't mean I actually did it, any more than what's on my resume is true. I can show you a very efficient file copy routine I "wrote" the other day... if by wrote, you mean copied off the internet, but oops, I forgot to mention that when I showed it to you.