Originally Posted By: tfabris
What's up with the edits around the moon?

Aaarrggh! You weren't supposed to look that close! smile

You must have a better monitor than mine, because I can't see the sloppy paste job until I zoom in so close that the moon is all pixelated. I guess I'd better fix that before I send the picture in to the photo exhibit that my camera club puts on each year.

As you no doubt surmised, it is a composite shot, has to be since the moon is 4,096 times brighter (12 f-stops!) than the lake. The lake was shot at f3.2, 5-second exposure; the moon at f4.5, 1/250 second. I zoomed in on the moon to pick up as much detail as I could, then re-sized the image to 40% to scale it to match the lake.

Hmph! Damn smart-aleck kids with their sharp eyes and good equipment! smile


edit: Okay, is this better? See attachment #2.

Moon over Lake Chapala 2.jpg (164 downloads)

Edited by tanstaafl. (01/05/2010 18:49)
Edit Reason: Attach better picture
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"