Great point about the two endings suiting the two types of people. If you took all the scenes and divided them into "Island" and "Sideways reality," you'd have two satisfactory endings. The island reality even had the big triumph over the big bad guy. And by the way, how freaking BAD-ASS was Jack on that rock cliff? I loved that shot before the commercial break of him sprinting down the cliff, and jumping in the air at full speed, ready to pound his fist into the Man in Black. I haven't been so pumped up while watching TV in a long while!

*edit* But also, how lame was it that twice in a row, Jack failed to stop "Locke" (or Mocke, as my wife calls him) from picking up something while he's strangling him? */edit*
There are big gaps of timeline left untold for the characters who didn't die by the last episode, but that leaves room for spin-offs. Like the new 30 minute sitcom about Ben and Hurley on the island. I think they turn it into a resort and the Globe Trotters do finally show up and guest star in their new dolphin show.

That's great, because I can so picture that. Oh, for most of the time we knew about the candidates, I was pretty certain that Hugo would be the guy. They had me side-tracked with Jack for a while, but he just seemed like the guy to me...
The side-point to that is Danielle. She might be pissed when snapped into her reality, because for the most part, it kind of sucked for her on the island. BTW, I can't remember how she went missing from this season - did I forget her being killed off?
I'm pretty sure she might have even been killed the same episode that Alex was. It really sucked because she was pretty bad ass herself. You're right, though. If she ever woke up, I can't imagine she'd be as happy to have Ben hanging out with her daughter. Maybe that's one of the things he's contemplating in that courtyard.
Man, that was a really good ending...