Hey guys- sorry I haven't been around. After I lost my last job, I got a new (awesome) job that has kept me VERY busy. However, I just had to come and see what intelligent people had to say about this show, because it seems intelligent discussion about the finale doesn't exist anywhere else. You guys do not disappoint, thank heavens.

I thought it was quite good (though not "THE BEST FINALE EVAR!!!1!11!") and fit the show well. I like the "purgatory" ending well enough and felt like it allowed for a decent way to end the show with a sense of closure. I absolutely loved the scene where Hurley makes Ben his assistant (though I hate that the show made me empathize with and like Ben- he's so evil!). Ben finding fulfillment in being "second" was pretty cool, but more importantly, the progression of Crazy Mother->Jacob->Jack->Hurley where each step seems to be an improvement and a better future left me with a real sense of hope.
I am now busy ripping down season 1 so we can start over- it will be fun to watch again, I think.
I will say, more interesting than the actual show has been reading people's responses to it. It's a rather guilty pleasure that finding LOST blog posts and reading the comments makes me feel like an uber-genius.