Sometimes I think I'm too dumb to own a computer. Maybe I should just get an Etch-a-Sketch and be satisfied with that.
OK, I've tried booting into Linux with my Linux Live DVD, and I can get a terminal emulator to find the WDidle3.exe file I put in the root directory of my C: drive. But I don't know how to make it execute. Clicking or double clicking does nothing, right-clicking gives no useful options. I hate that Linux distro (Knoppix) because it will not let me eject the DVD, I have to re-boot the computer, interrupt the boot to get into the BIOS and change the boot sequence if I ever want to boot back to anything other than Linux, after which I can go to Nero, and select "Eject" to get the damned DVD out of the drive.
I downloaded an MS-DOS boot disk (UltraBootCD) ISO file, burned it onto a DVD, and booted into DOS. It gives me access to about a hundred conveniently bundled utilities, but I guess when you boot that way all you have access to is the disk you booted from. I can't access my C: drive where the WDidle3 program is waiting. I don't know how to get the WDidle3 program onto the boot disk. There's probably a way and I'm just not smart enough to figure it out. (I'm using Nero 7 to burn the boot disk. I click on the "ubcd502.iso" file I downloaded and Nero 7 automatically burns it to DVD.)
This is becoming discouraging. Advice/instructions would be welcome!