Originally Posted By: jbauer
jEmplode is creating the mp3s using the track # instead of the position #. When I was on the PC, it was using the position #. How do I tell jEmplode to use position # again? I can't find anything in the options.

Well, by definition, the track number is what it *should* be using, since the position number is just a playlist position and is not the same thing as a CD track number.

But here is something you can do if you like. Earlier you said that your file name format you were using was this:

* Filename format is: {artist} - {source} - {tracknr:2} - {title}{ext}

You could change tracknr: to pos: (or whatever the correct variable is to use for position, I forget what it is exactly right now), then you could use a tool like MP3 Tag Studio to perform a "retag all files based on file name" pass on whatever you downloaded.

Another one of the reasons that I keep windows-illegal characters out of all my fields is so that I can always do a "retag all files based on file name" pass on any file I download.

Note that I also include Genre and Year in my filename format, so that my file names always contain as much information as my tags do.
Tony Fabris