Originally Posted By: Shonky

Be aware that direct disk access in a number of VM programs (VMware, whatever MS VM is called and a couple of others that I can't remember) is (at best) difficult to use particularly when you get to drives over 1TB.

Thanks for the heads-up on that Shonky.

By direct disk access do you mean like a block copy? I was hoping that if I run into the situation where I need to pull a drive out of the NAS, I could use something like Ubuntu under Parallels on the Mac (with the disk connected in a dock via USB) and simply mount the disk and copy files off it, or if necessary I have an older WinXP desktop I can connect the drive to internally via SATA and dual boot into Ubuntu.

"I spent 90% of my money on women, drink and fast cars. The rest I wasted." - George Best