Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Andy, I felt Cris was the one being a prick. But I *still* didn't treat him badly. I *still* didn't use sarcasm.

No, but you are now openly calling me a prick in a public forum. Nice.

Originally Posted By: hybrid8
When I'm talking out my ass, you can feel free to call me on it. I wouldn't make a recommendation if I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm not a professional photographer

Ok, you are talking out of your arse, you always talk out of your arse, but the people here are generally to polite to say it. You don't know what you are talking about in this area as you have already said you haven't shot in a studio.

Can you not see my point, the language you choose to use is very confusing, in once sentence you say you know what you are talking about, in the next that you are not a pro. Very confusing.

Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Your post on the other hand is just out of place, antagonistic, rude and completely off-topic.

Or totally spot on you prick. Now that is being rude. Lets take it from now on if I am being rude to you I'll be that blunt, if I'm not that blunt I'm not being rude, does that make it a little simpler for you to understand ???

