Cris, let me jump back because I want to clear the air here and would really rather not continue this conversation. Why do you feel you have to prove that you have experience? At no point in time did I, or anyone else that I noticed, question your experience. I offered suggestions based on what I had experience with and based on some of the points made previously.

I understand that as a professional you might not want to read recommendations from those who aren't and may not even respect them. That's fine too. But since Tahir posted this for everyone to read, I believe it's fair game for anyone to contribute to. I value your opinion as a professional and I certainly at no point in time tried to indicate otherwise, even when I had some recommendations that may not have aligned precisely with what you mentioned.

Everything I've mentioned from a technical standpoint you've agreed with - you can go back and read the posts again if you'd like to double-check. Ok, you recommend a grey room while I recommend black (due to the size). The most recent being that both of agree that room lighting for setup doesn't matter much when it's not going to be factored into the shot, and that all artificial lighting will have a colour cast that must be dealt with by the camera, filters and/or post.

This isn't a pissing contest, so please take it easy as no one is calling into question *your* experience. You should know from dealing with other people in your field that there are wildly varying opinions on all manners of gear, even for photographers that otherwise overlap in professional focus. So when someone in a forum that has been participating along side you for many years has some different thoughts, you shouldn't be offended by them.

Incidentally, the last time I used studio strobes was with film, B&W and colour from 1991 to 1994 while at university, studying, among other things, Photography. Since I decided not to enter a commercial photography career, I've never invested in studio strobes. With regards to triggers, I briefly used an original Plus almost 10 years ago. I have been following the RP and PW line very closely for some 3 years and was really excited about the Flex line. Only let down by reviews and the perpetual vapor status of the Nikon kit. I don't shoot Canon. So today, the Flex is off the table, maybe next year it won't be. The RP stuff works with studio lights and speedlights, making them very attractive - plus they've had remote power control working longer than PW have. The smaller package is a bonus, price is somewhat irrelevant (in this instance).
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