Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Angry Birds was oddly addictive. The new "theme" for Android, with the fat cardinals, was awful, though.

The update made their game nearly unplayable. It boggles my mind how they thought they were making good changes there.

I had no problem with the whole ad-supported thing when the app was first released for Android. The ads came up once every 2-4 level attempts, and generally wouldn't stick around. Once every 40-50 level attempts, a full-screen ad would come up, usually with annoying video, but was easily skipped.

After the update, they moved the ads from the bottom-right corner of the screen (which was fine) to the top-right, which means it frequently covers the flight path of your birds! Yes, you can zoom out, but in my experience that decreases accuracy. Even worse, the ads now stay there ALL THE TIME. They never disappear, they just hover over the top-right, sometimes even obscuring your score so you can't tell how well you're doing on a level.

The frequency of the full screen ads has increased to around once every 20 levels attempts (so it's doubled). Again, this wouldn't be so bad if the ads obeyed the mute setting of the game. No, instead I'll be quietly playing a game and all of a sudden an ad will start blaring at me if I can't get to the "skip" button fast enough.

Rovio completely screwed up their game, and they seem completely deaf to their users (though granted, they have a heck of a lot of users).