Originally Posted By: DWallach
I regularly copy pictures to my laptop, process them in Lightroom

Since you also brought up Bibble, do you have any thoughts on Lightroom vs. Bibble? Most of the comparisons I've found online have been fairly outdated, but the gist of it comes down to minor (and subjective) colour differences, and a slightly better UI in Lightroom. I saw one review that said Lightroom's de-noising is significantly better than Bibble (which has some basic Noise Ninja settings), but may not be any better than Bibble + the registered Noise Ninja plugin, which gives full control. Oh, and Bibble's fill light sucks.

The pluses for me, is that I can store my images on my harddrive however I want, and, should I ever go back to Linux at home (from OS X), I can keep using it.