Originally Posted By: DWallach
I've never actually used Bibble. I have roughly one year of my shooting in "converted" DNG format (having discarded the original raw files). Since Bibble doesn't support this, that was a deal-breaker for me. Perhaps I should revisit Bibble.

I believe that the converted DNG still isn't supported, but they do support some straight-from-the-camera DNG. I don't know how they tell the difference. If you do give it a whirl (or if anyone else has used both), I'm all ears.

On the flip side, Lightroom's UI is supposed to be better and there's real third-party plug-in support now. (For example, I regularly use the PicasaWeb exporter from Jeff Friedl.)

There is plugin support for bibble, but I have my doubts that the number of available plugins is as extensive as for Lightroom. Bibble has a "web gallery" export, but I don't know if that means "dump out images and an html file" or "upload to Picasa/Facebook/pick-yer-poison".