Since you also brought up Bibble, do you have any thoughts on Lightroom vs. Bibble?
This is not really answering your question, as I am not experienced with either sw in terms of photo editing.
But, I've been testing Bibble as an photo collection manager in the last weeks, and I did not particularly like it. It crashed few times while accessing my photo collection, which is on a shared directory in a file server. It crashed a couple of other times while importing the whole collection (30,000 pics). It often takes time to shut down, saying that it is "busy", which gets annoying.
Most importantly (to me), I've used it so that my catalogue would only be referring to the file system, as I have my pictures organized in directories and don't want them moved. In such a mode, I would have expected that it would detect changes in the file system, and update the catalogue automatically. It does not. You get thumbnails with a "?" on them to indicate the original file is "missing".
In this respect, so far ACDSee is by far the best photo collection manager I've found, at least for me. It does all I want, and very quickly.
I liked, in Bibble, though, that you can easily create more catalogues, which is not an easy task in ACDSee. Supposedly, nexy ACDSee version will include some easier multi-catalogue support.
Finally, how hard can it be to detect Canon lens info?!
ACDSee does not yet detect Canon Lenses at all, and on their forum I read "it is being implemented"; Bibble does, but 90% of pics report wrong lens info! In my collection I had thousands of 70-300 lenses used, which I do not own, in the "24-70" focal length range?!

Since Lightroom gets them right, I know it must be possible. How hard can it be?