Originally Posted By: tonyc
The geotagging feature is an added bonus that really helps me out (previously, my process for geotagging was either manual, or involved using exiftool to copy GPS tags from a picture I took at the place with my cell phone camera.) Now, within 30 seconds or so of taking a picture, it's uploaded on my file server at home

I guess its doing it based on rough location from visible WiFi APs looked up in something like the Google or Skyhook DB?

What happens if you're in an area without WiFi or free WiFi? It just batches them all up automatically for when its next got internet access or do you need to tell it to go upload?

I didn't know that you could upload to your own server. That was one of the things that discouraged me from looking into the Eye-Fi cards as I always thought you had to use their service.

The Eye-Fi cards aren't available here in the UK but thats not too much of an issue to pick one up next time I'm over in the US. I'm just wondering whether it'd be worth me getting one since it probably won't have WiFi anywhere except at my home...

Edited by tman (14/01/2011 16:53)