Well, I'm a little perturbed by this development. I recently purchased a Nokia N8. Since Nokia and Microsoft decided to announce the death of Symbian even before (years?) any Nokia branded Windows phones are released, any hope of app development is now over. I suppose this is the best Symbian app developers would get (now at least they can cut their losses right away). But from a consumer point of view it's a disaster.

I now have zero hope of any new Symbian apps being developed, and the ones we do have will no longer be updated. Symbian^3 was just released and with Qt supposedly being ramped up along with Meego devices it looked like the future was bright. The best I can hope for is an updated and refreshed UI and some bug fixes in the OS itself.

It seemed to me Nokia's problem wasn't so much Symbian, but it's glacial pace of updates and Nokia's refusal to bend at all to the will of US operators to customize a Nokia device to what they requested. If they could have cracked the US mindset and market share who knows what would have happened. Oh well, my N8 still has a great camera and it's not like it's stopped working. I just have to figure out (plenty of time since I just got the phone!) where I go next...