Originally Posted By: drakino
Also, now looking into a way to outright block any Gawker media site from my search results. Lifehacker stuff comes up from time to time, but their new site crap now tries to trap the browser. Clicking back just reloaded the story, instead of taking me back to my Google search results.

This makes me think of two topics-

1) I use tabs to surf any list, opening up new tabs and holding the original list open. No reloading required.

2) The Gawker 'facelift' is crap. I've dropped my visits (gizmodo and jalopnik) by about 90% because of it. Why is it crap? Because I want to look at a list of headlines, not ONE GIANT STORY and a tiny list on the side. Also, load ALL the comments, dammit, not just the 'featured' ones. WTH does that mean? 'Featured comment'?? It's all a step backwards, IMO.
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