I thought that turning off extensions might fix the issue, but it's still screwy.

Start Safari showing Top Sites page
Search for "blue roses" using search bar/field
Click on any result
Use BACK command in browser to return to results
Search box correctly reads "blue roses"
Type over the word "blue" with the word "red" and press ENTER to search
Click on any result
Use BACK command in browser to return to results

Google search string sometimes says "blue roses" and shows results for blue roses

If it says RED, use BACK again to see if it then shows the BLUE search.

Use BACK command yet again and it should return to Top Sites (your browser's home page)

Next use FORWARD and the page should show the blue roses search - more often than not, I'm getting "red roses" showing up here.

That's what's happening with the Extensions mechanism turned off.

Items of Note... I start the search using the built-in browser search bar. I go BACK and FORWARD using the keyboard. I always press ENTER/RETURN after each search term is typed, even though Google is doing its live thing.
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