The option for grating is missing, given the preference I always favour grated.
To snack on? Why would you grate it for snacking? Seems unwieldy to me. I want to get the most cheese in my mouth that I can!
In that case, I'd like an option added to the poll for "Why slice it? I just bite big chunks off!"

But seriously, my wife and I are way too addicted to cheese. The one part of our fridge that NEVER runs low is the cheese drawer, and most of the time it's full with blocks and bags elsewhere.
We occasionally get pre-grated bags just because it's easier for throwing something together for dinner, but I much prefer to grate it myself when necessary (for recipes, not snacking

) because I think it tastes better.
For grating I either use a nice Oxo or for a large batch I'll use the food processor (and because it's fun). For slicing, we have four or five different cheese knives, though I'd love to get something better. We also have two or three cheese boards for serving, though that's only for company because for ourselves we just serve it in whatever manner is easiest

I like pretty much every kind of cheese out there, from the most bland to the stinkiest. I live for cheese

Also, I don't have anything bad to say about the plastic-wrapped variety. I eat that stuff for nostalgia. There probably isn't even any cheese in it, but that doesn't bother me

Lastly, this probably isn't new to most of you, but three years ago when my wife and I were on our honeymoon (in Italy), we were introduced to the greatest idea in history: Parmesan cheese dipped in honey. It's one of my favorite things in the world! The only downside is that once you've eaten it in Italy, it's nearly impossible to reproduce where we live. We just can't seem to get Parmesan that's worth a damn (at least not without spending $50/lbd), and the honey around here isn't that great either. It has a weird aftertaste to it. But wow, we had that almost every day on that trip

Is this the best empegbbs topic ever ??? Love this !!!