Originally Posted By: hybrid8
This is my ideal: A small box with an SD card slot connected to my parents' network. They pull an SD card from their camera and put it in the box. AUTOMATICALLY all the files are copied off the SD card, verified and then they remove the card. That box then uploads all the photos to a backup site. Which can be my web server or Crashplan or something like it. That box should probably have a drive in it to hold the copies. Optionally all the photos would also get sent up to some social site like Flickr or Facebook - but require privacy settings so we can restrict viewing access.

The bottom line is I'd love a way for them to be able to unload the images off their camera memory cards without interacting with a computer.

Hardware: A small little Atom-based system (eg. one of the Zotac HD-ID* boxes), or even a netbook --> say, a $200 Acer model with SD-slot.

Software: Ubuntu Linux (configured as "read-only"), and some simple shell scripts to monitor the SD slot and do the uploads.

That's what I would do, were it me and my folks.
