Out of interest, when you backup your virtual machine images, do you stop/pause the VM? How does it cope with backing up files that are "in use" like a VM?
I thought someone might ask that

At the moment I'm not stopping/pausing them. I haven't had any problems yet and I have restored a couple of them.
My main dev VM is running pretty much 24/7, so it has lots of time when it is sat idle. I expect at that point all the guest OSes caches get flushed, so anything important gets written out.
I guess what I should be doing running script once a day to create a snapshot and then kick off and explicit CP run. But to be honest recovering the data in the lastest snapshot isn't really important, as long as I can restore a vaguely recent working copy of the VM so I don't have to rebuild it all when something goes wrong.
All my important data within the VM is backed up separately from CP running within the VM anyway

And the only data I really care about on it is source code, so the whole open file issues don't really apply.