I apologize for the obvious stance I'm taking, and I'm sure you'll be able to throw some numbers up to dispute it, but the Mac Pros have always seemed overpriced to me, even when new models are released. It's been an extremely long time since a base computer was worth $2500, which is where the Pro always seems to start.

Then again, my main problem with the Pro is the same one many people have: Apple refuses to make a computer in between the the Pro and the Mini (iMac doesn't count), and I just wish they would. I guarantee you that I would own an Apple computer right now if they'd had a $1200-1500 Intel system a few years ago when I built the system I have now. And no, the iMac is not an option for me. I don't upgrade my monitor that often, and I do not want my computer tied into my monitor.

Anyway, I'll plunk down the cash for a Mini one of these days, because I don't see Apple releasing a reasonably priced Mac Pro. Still, I can't see using the Mini for a lot of processor-intensive stuff like video encoding. I've already tested it on my mom's system and Handbrake ran much slower on her brand new Mini than it did on my three year system...