Both you and Tom seem to be applying my comments to all prior iPhones for some reason, even though I didn't say anything to imply that. I was only talking about the 4S.
Yes, it could be because the 4S a great product, but why is this phone selling so many MORE units than others did?
You read into things too much

My comments were intentionally both about the 4S and the iPhone in general. Too many people seem to be tied up in the nitty gritty details, instead of looking at the complete picture. In general, iPhones are continuing to rise in popularity, and this means whatever current model is going to be what sells more then previous models*. This is why I pointed out the 5% marketshare graph. There is 95% of the mobile phone market sitting as potential iPhone switchers.
If I had to guess looking at the 4S only, it may be partially influenced by the availability on Sprint. Their customers seem to have a bit more loyalty to the carrier first, and were likely less inclined to switch to Verizon or AT&T.
*Though now having an iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S for sale may complicate this a bit.