Excellent tip Andy, thanks!
I've found a few more quirks. Wifi sync is supposed to be on-power only. However, if you unplug power from the iPhone after it shows up in iTunes, you can continue to sync for some undetermined amount of time. Putting the phone and/or the Mac to sleep doesn't seem to break this ability. But eventually it does seem to break and the iPhone disappears from iTunes and won't come back even if you plug it in to power again - need to restart iTunes.
My iPhone doesn't seem to hold the setting telling it to sync the address book to the Mac. I turn it on, I can do syncs, but at some point, the setting is gone. This means that the Address Book on my Mac doesn't get updates. If I upgrade to Lion I suppose its address book will also talk to iCloud and this point will be moot. But it's still an issue now.
I can't install the new iTunes Movie Trailer app. I add it to the phone and sync in iTunes, but it just disappears a second later.
Edited by hybrid8 (16/10/2011 15:51)