Congratulations! There's been some great advice already in this thread plus there are at least two other threads with a bunch more recommendations.
Above all, I think the thing to remember is that every parent and every child is different. Don't let those differences freak you or the wife out. Don't worry about trying to fit into anyone else's mold, because at the end of the day you've got to do what feels right and works for you.
I will say this however, the quicker you can get baby sleeping through the night, the more relaxed both of you will be. Getting to that point isn't a sure thing and like skinning a cat, there's more than one way to go about it.
Don't worry/stress about being extra attentive to baby during the first 6 months - you can't possibly give them too much attention nor spoil them at this age. If they cry, it's because they need something, they're not playing you yet.

Getting up with them when they cry isn't likely to set any type of pattern at that young an age, so don't worry about it. Just try to get some rest whenever/wherever you can.
And as far as TV goes, out daughter is just a bit over 2 and she still won't pay attention to anything on the tube for 30 minutes. She's been great with the iPad however and letting her choose her own video clips is a real treat. She doesn't get all the words right, but she's singing a ton of songs and the entire alphabet, plus counting nearly to 20. Even if she doesn't know what everything means yet.