Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
Babywise. Because sleep is priceless.

Congrats, by the way.

EDIT: note that above book is highly polarizing. Worked extremely well for both of my kids - sleeping through the night by 11-12 weeks. YMMV.

Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I will say this however, the quicker you can get baby sleeping through the night, the more relaxed both of you will be. Getting to that point isn't a sure thing and like skinning a cat, there's more than one way to go about it.

I defiantly want sleeping through the night. We got a sleep timer for a gift. It pretty much is supposed tell you how long to let the baby cry before you check them and track it. Is the method in this book similar to that or something totally different?

I have read to not let them cry and attend to them immediately for the first three months. How long did you guys wait before trying to get them to sleep through the night?

Edited by msaeger (23/10/2011 16:49)
