Originally Posted By: Roger

perpetuating that myth just makes parents that are having problems (with sleep, with feeding, with whatever) think that they're the only ones. This is a bad thing.

I suppose if you want to look at it negatively. I think of it more as giving them hope. I'm not saying that there aren't legitimate biological reasons for babies not sleeping well, but if the baby is healthy there are things you can do as a parent to give them the best chance to do so.

Just because I can't solve a Rubick's cube doesn't mean it can't be solved. Just means I don't know the right method. My brother can take a good look at one and then solve it behind his back. How many times does he have to do it before I believe that it's not an aberration, or that he's not just lucky. The analogy eventually breaks down, but you know where I'm going with it...
~ John